
As RabbitHole works towards becoming a DAO, we’re committed to involving the community in the process of progressive decentralization as early as possible. Accordingly, we’re inviting the community to help shape our involvement in metagovernance from the earliest stages of experimentation.

The first step of this process was a brainstorming session to collect feedback from the community about why and how you want to be involved.

The next step is to circulate our high level strategy and proposed pod structure for v0 below. (You can think of a “pod” as a large working group that may have smaller, more ephemeral working groups within it. This pod is made up of core Rabbithole teammates + broader community members who come together to work on projects together.)

Please keep in mind this document is meant to be a starting point to define what is in/out of scope considering RabbitHole’s internal goals and priorities. We very much value your feedback and hope that we can co-create a final version that incorporates your input. Establishing this pod will be an iterative process that is refined over multiple versions.

v0 of our metagovernance pod will run for 12 weeks, from January 10th - April 1st, at which point, the strategy and structure of the pod will be re-evaluated based on learnings and community feedback.

Please feel free to leave comments below and we will discuss/resolve during our kick-off call on January 10th.

Thank you for helping us lay the foundation of what will become an extremely important pod!

RabbitHole Value Alignment with Metagovernance Pod

RabbitHole holds the tokens of all protocols with which we partner. Our diversified treasury presents RabbitHole with a unique opportunity to promote it’s values throughout the web3 ecosystem via active governance. We believe this creates a positive-sum equation whereby the more successful RabbitHole becomes, the more successful the protocols we partner with become. RabbitHole’s values are:

v0 Goals:

v0 KPIs:

v0 Proposed Pod Structure: